Sunday 27 July 2014

Fete du foot! With added creep.

There was another fete in the centre of Les Eyzies again today, only this time it was under the name of fete du foot.

There was nothing remotely football about it. In fact, it was exactly the same as the Fete Nationale. Which meant that it wasn't rubbish, as I don't like football.

Just as for the fete Nationale, I went with Anthéa to watch the fireworks, though we didn't make it to the train tracks this time and we watched from the bridge closest to the campsite. We also went for ice cream after again, which was fab. I had passion-papaya flavour and chewing gum flavour. I think I preferred the other flavours I had last time XD.

At what I could only describe as the square, though it probably has a real name in French, the set up was exactly the same with the same sweet stands, candyfloss stands, bar and dancefloor.

However, this fete was much more fun than the fete Nationale for a few reasons.

1. "Gilles Music" was not the entertainer tonight. Gilles music (if you are local or if you've seen my Facebook then you will know) is not a pleasant experience. He is the master of butchering songs that under any other circumstances you'd enjoy. I think I'd rather hear the Alvin and the Chipmunks rendition than his, and if you know me then you'll know I detest those stupid squeaky songs.
2. Amandine was there. Don't look at me and shout favouritism because it's certainly not that, but Amandine is probably the only person at work who slows down her speech to a level that I can understand in a very non-patronising way. I understood a lot more that was going on and I could take part in the conversations.
3. There were more people around enjoying the atmosphere (probably because the DJ was a million times better than Gilles, despite everything being mainstream English or what sounds like the equivalent in French music).

On the other hand, there are a few things about this fete that annoyed me. The first and most prominent one being men.
What is it with lecherous men and their thick skulls? I don't understand why anyone would think its okay to behave like that. So basically Amandine, Anthéa, Marie, Romain and I were minding our own business and having a drink (except me because I didn't like what they had on offer), and Mr Creepfeatures, who had been passing by us a few times and giving us looks, starts to approach us. He does the whole santé thing (a toast type thing. In English where you say 'cheers' and clink your glasses, or in this case plastic cups, together) to everyone, starting at Amandine, then to Marie, Romain and Anthéa. He finally gets to me and I hold my empty hands up to show him that I don't have a plastic cup to clink. So obviously he does what any normal, non-creepy guy does and CLINKS HIS GLASS TO MY BOOBS. Whut? Don't touch me. What makes you think that's OK? Oh you noticed I have boobs, why don't you go ahead and touch them? NO. Well after that he just leaves. Thank god.

But not for long. Maybe half an hour later after Pab has arrived and Anthéa and Romain have gone home, Creepy McCreepface decides he's gonna grab hold of my wrist. Why not, right? Why wouldn't I want him to touch me O.o
Its a pretty strong grip and I can't shake it, but he hasn't pulled me anywhere. I look at Amandine and blatently ask her for help. I think they all found it relatively funny. She looked at me and said something about pretending to be lesbian and touching my arm, because of a story I'd told her earlier about pretending to be lesbians with friends to ward creeps off. In the end, Amandine tells him that I'm with them, and I blatantly step away from him, my wrist still in his hand. He eventually apologises and lets go, only to TAKE HOLD OF IT AGAIN ABOUT 30 SECONDS LATER, JESUS CHRIST!


After repeating a similar thing to before, he gets the message and buggers off. He doesn't come back and for the rest of the evening I only have to deal with another creepy guy who keeps staring at me and one guy who picks the end of my hair up and tries to use it as a wig. That's the second time that's happened since I got to France. Its also the second time that evening someone (male, of course) thought they could touch my hair without so much as giving a warning first. Just gonna start caressing my hair are you? No need to ask permission. Creep away, mister.

Despite creepy men, I had a good evening.

However, don't go out alone. I have no idea what I'd have done if everyone else weren't there. Make sure you have someone you can trust with you. Even in a little village like Les Eyzies, which I'd never have imagined myself feeling sexually harassed or threatened.. You can't really control men. I'll just add here that I was wearing jeans and a nerdy Adventure time/Final Fantasy VII tee. There was no way in hell my outfit said anything about wanting to pull, wanting attention or even making an effort.

Don't take risks. Men can be scary.

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