Sunday 6 July 2014

Awkward times

Friday 21:00

So I just came back from sitting at work. I have a day off today, but there's not really so much to do, especially when its raining and you're trying not to spend all the money you have.

I like to sit at work because its the best and only chance I have of socialising, either with my colleagues or with people as they come in and out of the bar. But today I was basically asked not to hang around if I'm not working. I feel a bit awkward now. And a bit pissed off. Its OK for me to sit in the corner and use the internet, though. But that's not what I actually want to do when I'm sat there. I'm waiting. I'm waiting for some form of human interaction. Conversation. Something.

Apparently, that's not allowed, and while I can sort of understand why, I don't think that my employers realise that I'm super lonely. There's no one at home. My new housemate is also working. I don't know anyone here. I barely know anyone in the entire country. I don't have anywhere else to go where I can attempt to see people.

I also wish I was told things like this before I actually did them. If there are rules, it'd be nice to know before I make a dick of myself. How did I find out I can't drink on the other side of the bar? I ordered a drink. (I still don't understand why my colleagues can drink, though). And I don't find out I shouldn't be hanging around the bar until I've hung around the bar quite a lot. Its pretty awkward and embarrassing. So instead of moving and continuing to use the internet, I went straight home. I'll watch some anime, on my own, and go to sleep.


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