Monday 30 June 2014

Il arrive le Mardi

Anonymous French male shall arrive on Tuesday! I shall have to stop getting dressed in the kitchen, and playing Girugamesh at full volume. I shall have to do the washing up far more often than I have been (which is still more often than usual) and I shall have to ensure my underwear remains in my bedroom at all times.

However, I'm kind of looking forward to meeting someone new, despite the struggle with French I will have to face even in my down time chez moi.

In other news, I wanted to dye my hair during the 4 hour break I get around lunch time, but I realised I don't have gloves with my bleach because I used it for the colour last time I dyed my hair. I also don't have a brush for my directions. I'm not filled with hope that Les Eyzies can provide me with what I need, but I hope it can as the thought of not doing it for another week drives me into the pits of despair. So, because of crazy shop opening times, I will be heading out at around 2:45pm to scout out whether I can gather what I need to dye my hair this evening instead. The 'supermarket' here opens from 8:30 until 12:30, and then from 15:00 until 19:00. Its a bit odd.

I've definitely come quite unprepared for living here - I kind of assumed I'd be able to buy things here to save on weight allowance on the plane, but it has resulted in me not having a full-size bathroom towel for two weeks, having to buy tea towels, suncream, contact lens solution and other things that probably would have been cheaper at home. I find myself coming short every so often - like now, when I want to dye my hair and I don't have the right equipment, despite having brought the dye from England.

It could be worse. I could have forgotten pyjamas. Or bras like at MCM expo D: ...

All in all, I'm settling in well and as always, the only setback is my own stupidity >:D


So Les Eyzies was nearly as useless as I thought it would be. The supermarket was fruitless, so I went to the chemist. I couldn't see anything. I have to Google translate the word for 'gloves' to ask if they had any plastic gloves to dye my hair with. The lady at the desk told me they only had big boxes. Oh god. My heart sunk a little. How big? 50 gloves. A box of 50 gloves. I asked how much it was, knowing that no matter the price, I would have to buy them... My hair wouldn't last until the next time I have a day off, especially with new people who are actually my age arriving in the next few days. 13€60... It could be worse... But that would literally be daylight robbery. I paid just over £10 for latex gloves. At least they will last me a little while... I still have 46 left.

I'm waiting for my hair colour to set in now before I wash it out. But I had to get Mickey round to clear the three resident beasts from hell out of my shower first (the ones with eight legs).

Time to wash my hair out. That's all from me for today!

Thanks for reading!

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