Sunday, 17 May 2015

Durarara!! Streeeeet!! Exhibition Osaka

So this month there is a six day Durarara exhibition in Osaka's Cosmosquare called "Durarara!! Streeeeet", and of course my friend Abi and I just had to go and check it out. I thought I'd write a little bit for those of you that couldn't make it!

When we arrived at the venue, we took a little while to find the exhibition because it was a huge building and we got a bit lost. Once we found it we queued to go in and were given an option for an Audio Tour (Japanese only) done by the voice actors of Shinra, Shizuo and Izaya, for 700yen, which we both took. The Audio tracks were amusing, but short, and it was quite expensive for what you actually got. I'm pretty glad we took them, because I love Shinra and he voiced nearly all of it. Abi, a huge Izaya fan, was a little disappointed. But I'm sure all the exclusive merch she bought made up for that! More on that later.

WARNING: This post may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the Durarara anime. I suggest you get up to date with it. It is an amazing anime!

Walking into the exhibition, there were character profiles posted on the walls of all of the Durarara and Durararax2 characters, and this fabulous picture.

After that, we saw a map of Ikebukuro, with locations from the anime pinpointed on it, and a summary of what happened in the first season.

Next up was a schoolroom setting, with windows behind curtains that you could open up and look through, and a set of shoe lockers for each of the characters.

From then we went on a little tour of Ikebukuro! Past Russia Sushi, invading several people's houses such as Izaya, Shizuo, Masaomi and Shinra and Celty, as well as seeing some other familiar faces along the way.

And then, at last, we got to buy some tasty exclusive merch, and spend far too much money! Nearly everything that I bought here was an exhibition exclusive. I regret nothing. (Especially since I managed to get a mini drama CD from the ichibankuji[a bit like a raffle]). There was a lot of Izaya merchandise, because it was his birthday recently. You might be able to guess, but my favourite characters are Shinra and Celty <3

And that's all from me on the Durarara!! Streeeeet!! Exhibition. I've uploaded all of the photos I took to this album.

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