Sunday 31 August 2014

Pre-Japan Family Visit

So on Thursday I travelled back to my home county of Suffolk to visit some of my family before I head off to Japan.
Family context: My Mum and Dad are divorced. Mum lives in London with my Grandmother and two of my sisters, and Dad in Suffolk with his wife, Emma, and one of my sisters. I have another younger sister who lives up north and comes to visit my dad occasionally. This weekend, we were both visiting my dad, which is pretty lovely. I often stay with my mum between places since I got a job there last summer, as it's just so much easier staying there - public transport actually functions and you can walk into the nearest town centre. I have loads of friends and family there and it's pretty fab. As much as I love my Dad, and visiting the family there, it is a pain to go anywhere because I don't drive, and I don't actually have very many friends left in Suffolk - they've all gone off to uni, and even after that, contact has pretty much broken with the majority of my school friends.

Yesterday was a really fab day! We started the day off by going to a show in Trinity Park. It was some boys' toys and gadgets thing. I kind of feel sorry for the show - it was so lame that it was pretty amusing. First I have to object to the use of 'boys' in the title of the show. You're just asking for half of the audience you should be asking for. There wasn't really any need for the gender discrimination, especially since nothing there seemed dominantly male, except maybe the crazy amateur wrestlers, but I'll get to that!

I'll start of by saying that I did really enjoy myself, but they definitely needed more there. The first thing we did was watch a very cheesy, amateur wrestling match between two topless guys in very tight pants, one of which was wearing a face-painted white 'plastic' mask on the lower half of his face, and the other in extraordinarily tight pants with #BLISS across his bum. I don't even know. It was absolutely hilarious watching men obviously pretend to hit each other, and making over-dramatic noises whilst doing so. They even brought in two more men to join in halfway through and make some kind of story out of it, like I once saw whilst watching cringe-worthy wrestling  on TV with my ex. It was wonderful.

Next up we went to get some food. I had a hoisin duck wrap and it was super tasty. My Stepmum got a wrap from a place that me and my sister nicknamed 'It's a Trap!'. It was really called 'It's a Wrap', but when I first saw the sign, there was someone standing in front of the W and I really wanted it to be called 'It's a Trap!' (like general ackbar). Even though it wasn't, me and my sister insisted on calling it that anyway. Whilst we were eating, we were serenaded by a man from Yorkshire who regaled us on anecdotes about his friend's grandfather who ran off to Canada (and then sung a song about it), but not before he sung us his 'song about murder and rape'. At a family event. It was fabulous. After that we got approached and kindly asked if we'd enter our dogs into a 'waggliest tail' competition because there weren't very many people there, and there were even less dogs. So they needed help. My two sisters entered our two dogs. Here is a picture.

The winner of the waggliest tail competition actually went to 'A random sheep'. Welcome to Suffolk.

We looked around the craft stalls and Hannah and I got glittery bat tattoos. Unfortunately, the woman doing mine couldn't tell which way up the bat symbol went, and I ended up getting a 'batman in distress' symbol.

We then went and got some fabby slushies at my request. Hooray! I got blue because blue is fabulous and it matches my hair at the moment!

Which changed the colours of our tongues to 'awesome'.

That evening, we returned to my hometown of Leiston. We moved from Leiston about 4 years ago, but I continued to go to school there. I haven't been to Leiston in about two years though, and it was really nice to be able to go back. There was a free screening of Frozen outside on the rec, which was pretty fabby, and then fireworks. The fireworks were spectacular, and they put the feu d'artifice of Les Eyzies to shame!

It was the sing-a-long version which made it even more fabulous. I know Frozen is an over-hyped film, but I really like it. It's still not my favourite animated film - Despicable Me 1&2, and Wreck it Ralph are both better in my opinion, but it is still fabulous. Also, evident props to Disney for making Ana a strong independent woman who don't need no man.

So that was the highlight of my visit back to Suffolk! Seeing my family and having epic family times!

 3 more sleeps until my flight to Japan!

1 comment:

  1. smile... it brought a tear to my eye... glad you had a good weekend was great to see you... safe travels x x :)
