Anyway, it was still really good. If you're ever in the area I would recommend you go and see it. I don't think it's very expensive, but I didn't have to pay to get in because I work for Amandine at the campsite, so they'll let me in for free so that I can tell everyone to go and visit :D
I took quite a few pictures, despite flash not being allowed. Because I have my lovely new DSLR, it can take dark pictures without a flash without too much problem, but obviously because there's not enough light, the shutter speed slows down a lot and it means you have to stay really really still otherwise the picture will end up blurry. A lot of pictures ended up a little blurry xD
It didn't take too long. I was lazy today, and didn't get up for ages. By the time I left the campsite it was about 2:00pm, and I was out of the cave before 3:30pm. It's quite a small cave. It's also cool inside (temperature-wise). Marie told be to take a cardigan or something, but I'm English. It wasn't really cold at all. It was just cool in a lovely, refreshing way. It is quite hot outside though.
Anyway, that was my lovely trip into a cave. I'm hoping to go to the Grotte de Font de Gaume before I leave because that's the really impressive one with cave paintings, and one of the only ones that is still open to the public, but has relatively restricted access (there's a limited amount of people that can go in per day, so you have to get there and queue at around 7:30~8:00am ish).
Thanks for reading!
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